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ICRA2021: Forceful Aerial Manipulation Based on an Aerial Robotic Chain:Hybrid Modeling & Control
Forceful Aerial Manipulation based on an Aerial Robotic Chain: Hybrid Modeling and Control
The Reconfigurable Aerial Robotic Chain: Modeling and Control
Automated Aerial Screwing with a Fully Actuated Aerial Manipulator
RSS 2020, Spotlight Talk 46: Aerial Manipulation Using Hybrid Force and Position NMPC Applied to ...
The Reconfigurable Aerial Robotic Chain: Shape and Motion Planning
Aerial Manipulator
Aerial Manipulation: Writing with an aerial robot UAV
Force based Cooperative Aerial Manipulation
Compliant Aerial Manipulators: Developing the New Generation of Aerial Robotic Workers
Aerial manipulation for the workspace above the airframe
Aerial Manipulation I